There Is A Champagne Shortage

No, Not Here. In Moscow and Beijing

“I Can’t Believe Our Good Luck”

That must be the phrase being repeated daily in the capitals of Russia and China. In just the first couple of weeks, the Republican administration has gone to a European security conference and first offered up everything the Russians could hope for out of Ukraine, with nothing demanded in turn. Our new not ready for prime time Defense Secretary was a one man disaster at the conference. He was clueless as to what the situation demanded. So much for American leadership.

Well, Here We Are

 A Time of Infamy Began at Noon Yesterday

The Irony of January 20

Ironic, isn’t it? On the single day yesterday of January 20 we celebrated the life and work of a man dedicated to service and hope, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. ; continued an official period of mourning the death of a president who personified service and morality; and on the same day inaugurated an individual who is the very opposite of character, caring, and competence. What a day. That Trump sniveled about flags being at half-mast in honor of someone besides himself says it all.

Two Trump Failures to Never Forget

This is a Man of Many Flaws. Two Cited Here Infuse All The Others

Recent Reminders

Two matters are in the news a great deal of late, one called up by the Trump, the other inflicted by Trump. Both highlight what an unworthy person this is.

The Afghanistan Withdrawal

Trump has tried mightily to blame Biden for a terrible withdrawal from Afghanistan. He has done so with some success. Biden’s public ratings took a beating after the withdrawal and never fully recovered. But the fact is, as we shall discuss momentarily, that this lies squarely on Trump’s shoulders,

Ten Thoughts on Ten Topics

A Lot Has Happened in the Last Week or So

The Middle East Muddle

Israel killed a prominent Hamas leader last week – in Iran. They also took out a Hezbollah leader, in Beirut. I personally have no issue with Israel taking out their sworn enemies who are responsible for atrocities and attacks. But one must question the wisdom of killing the Hamas official who was leading the peace talks, making any progress on that front most unlikely for the foreseeable future. The only senior Hamas leader still standing is the worst of the lot.

The risk of a two front war for Israel is getting uncomfortably close,

Two Letters to Read And At Least One That Is Missing

 Plus, Reflections on the Harris Effect

There Are Some Special People Among Us

I had the pleasure and the opportunity to work with some of them over the years. Some were political appointees, but most were career civil servants, government leaders, or military officers. A couple of characteristics made them special over the long haul.

One, they were dedicated to the principle of service to the country. They were, without exception in my experience, leader-servants. They all believed passionately in the country. Most had a copy of the constitution with them pretty much always (me,

You May Have Heard About A Shooting Last Weekend?

Tragedy, Opportunity, Accelerator, Brake? Yes, Likely All of the Above

What This Blog is NOT About

Everyone and their brother started writing about the PA shooting within minutes of the event. Like the debate we talked about earlier, I find it useful to give things a couple of days to sort out at least a little. This blog will not recap the event, blow by blow. We have all had more of that than we need. I remember when it broke on tv, I found myself thinking-

“Oh great. This will be continuous coverage by everyone everywhere for at least the next 24 hours,

Six for Today

A Range of Very Different Topics To Fill Our Basket This Week

First, A Moment to Reflect Upon Memorial Day

Yesterday was Memorial Day. This is being published a day after Memorial Day. Hope yours was a meaningful one and that you reflected at least a little on what they day means and the service members who sacrificed it all. Of all our national holidays, this is one of the  most purposeful and thoughtful. I had the opportunity to participate in a local service yesterday; it was a powerful thing to be in the midst of a large group that absolutely understood what this day honors and commemorates.

One Issue Illuminates It All

Some Issues Bring a Laser Focus On Our Politics. Here is a Big One

Déjà Vu, All Over Again

 Several years ago, I read a fascinating, if discouraging, series of articles in The Atlantic. The writer did a thorough job, literally going all around the world, to determine the cost and quality of medical care for a common medical procedure (if I remember correctly, it was a knee replacement).

In the end, he determined that were you to deliberately design the most dysfunctional system imaginable (too expensive, poor overall national health,

Politics, Technology, Middle East War, and Super Ants

Something for Everyone Today

Taylor Swift Rigs The Super Bowl!

By now, you have surely heard about the Right Wing conspiracy theories that Taylor Swift has somehow conspired to right the Super Bowl for her boyfriend’s team to win and, according to one version, she will then appear at half-time to endorse Biden.

How nuts can these people get?! It really is amazing how this mindset has established itself among a lot of people. If something happens or is pending that I don’t like, there MUST be a conspiracy to blame, no matter how outlandish it seems.

Lessons in Foreign Policy That Will be Referenced Forever

Israel’s Very Existence is Under Threat. Bad Decisions Do Not Help

Welcome to the Impossibilities of Foreign Policy

 Foreign affairs are often the most impossible endeavor in human interaction. It is a process filled with emotion and inadequate information. Personalities of leaders rise to the occasion or make it worse. One is often in conflict with allies and the necessity of working with adversaries.

Valid goals conflict with each other. Timelines are unforgiving. Risks may be high but almost impossible to measure as to likelihood. Choices are often all bad; at best, each choice carries real costs.