It’s Thanksgiving Week – How About a Little Fun for the Holiday?

Sharing Two of My Favorite Holiday Laughs

Art Buchwald Explains Thanksgiving to the French

This is something of a tradition on this blog – a posting I repeat every Thanksgiving. If you read it before, feel free to read it again. I must have read it 50 times by now and I still love it. The Washington Post and others also reprint it during the season, year after year.

Many, many years ago the great humorist, satirist, and all-around human being Art Buchwald was a young reporter living in Paris, writing for the Herald Tribune.

The Problems with Names and Pronouns

Two Trends are Understandable But Problematic

First, a Disclaimer

I am about to embark on a couple of topics that could lead to some misimpressions on where I stand on certain social issues. I will try to dispel any such perceptions when discussing the rationale for the trends noted below.

Just to be clear at the outset:

  • When people get married, I think they should be able to call themselves pretty well anything they like. That is their business.
  • When someone has issues of gender identity and related concerns I support them trying to wrestle this to a solution,

Why Halloween Was a Big Deal This Year

Probably More So for Adults Than Kids


The Evolution of Halloween

Halloween has been around for a long time, in one form or another. Much of this is rooted in more ancient celebrations that are generally known as All Souls Day. This earlier celebration goes back at least 3,000-4,000 years in a number of cultures.

In Mexico, the belief is that on midnight the 30th of October, the souls of the departed come back for a brief visit. Relatives go all out making alters and laying out food and other items to welcome them back,

A Different Approach for Aid Money

Just Give the Damn Stuff Away – Turns Out, That Works


Ethical and Practical Reasons Governments Help People

Just to set the stage for this discussion, let’s remind ourselves why governments assist those who are less fortunate at some point in their lives. There are, of course, many reasons, but two tend to be the most prevalent:

It’s the Right and Moral Thing to Do: Most cultures and religions have a core belief that we should help others who are in various states of need. This is especially true for children,

Have You Ever Noticed…?

It’s Friday. Let’s Have a Lighter Discussion to Usher in Your Weekend

I have Noticed a Few Things of Late

Any of these ring a bell for you as they have for me? Some have been with us awhile, others a bit new. All are, at the least, a bit irritating. There are, actually, a gazillion such things in life, but in the interest of Potential Reader Fatigue (PRF – Stand by for announcements of a telethon to help crush this devastating condition. 😉)

 Health Warnings on Drug Ads

Every time I listen to one of those drug ads on TV,

Revisiting An Old American Curse/Blessing

Getting Individual vs Community Balance Has Always Been Tough – Now We Seem Lost


Schools of American Thought

America has an interesting, to put it mildly, mix of philosophies about how we relate to each other, the country, and to ourselves as individuals. As we cruise deeply into the 21st Century the two main approaches to such relationships seem in sharp contrast, contributing to much of the current social and political tension.

Terms like Rugged Individualism, Natural Law, and Community Responsibility are wielded like shields – or as swords. Let’s take a relook at our approach to each other as a nation.

Is There Anything in Transportation Better Than a Train Ride?

No. There is Not Anything Even Close.

A Life-Long Love Affair Continues

I suppose I tipped my hand a bit in the opening lines for this post. I do indeed love just about everything related to trains. There have been times when AMTRAK tested that love mightily (more on that later, with  good news).

Much of my life has been spent in one form of transit or another. A lot of it in airplanes (sometimes landing with them, sometimes jumping out before they landed). More miles than I can count on roads and highways,

Employment Will Never Be the Same Again

Not for Employees, Not for Employers. A New Era is Upon Us

Mixed Indicators All Over the Country

I mentioned in the last post that we would take some time to look at what is going on in employment, both long term and short term. What is going on will – already is – affect us all for quite a while, often profoundly.

Others have certainly noticed all this. There has been a flood of very good articles, local and national, trying to assess what is going on. One set of numbers that jumps out is that there are about 8 million people out of work and about 10 million jobs unfilled.

Economics for the Rest of Us

Much Economics Writing is Academic and High Level – Today Let’s Look Closer In


Economics is Life

Whether we like to acknowledge it or not, economics is a powerful force in all our lives. It may be complex, it may be removed from our observation, but it determines so much, including much of our politics and social norms. If there ever was a domain in which the term “unforeseen consequences” rings true, it is economics.

I am in the process of reading Barack Obama’s last book and have just completed the section about the economic crisis he inherited and the remarkable demands it placed,

One Way to Lose the Argument on Institutional Racism

 Tell the Complete Story of Our History –Get It Wrong and Be Further Behind Than Ever


The Tensions Over Critical Race Theory and Similar Approaches

One of the real lightning bolts in current domestic politics is the fuss over the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT). Never mind that darn few people know what it is, or that it is being taught as an academic discipline almost nowhere. Several states have passed legislation forbidding it being taught. Someone even started talk about putting cameras in classrooms, just to ensure teachers did not sneak it into the curriculum.