A Unique Thought About How History Plays Out

History is Full of Unforeseen and Unintended Consequences. How to See Then Coming?

You Are Living in History Right Now

There may have been a time when such a statement as the one above might have sounded a bit too pompous or heavy handed to many of us. I bet not so much now. After two years of a global pandemic, a war in Europe that reeks of the dark past and threatens a new world war, and foundational challenges to our own democracy, we get it – history is alive and all around us. We make it,

Ukraine is an Even Bigger Issue Than Many of Us Realize

Think This is Just Russia Mucking Around in It’s Back Yard? Think Again

Events are Moving, Rapidly and in Unexpected Directions

When I started drafting this article, war was looking likely but had not come. Now that it has, news is coming fast, often unclear, or inaccurate, and ometimess as very unexpected.

Half the things we discuss here may be overcome by events in the short time between when this is published and when you read it. Such is the nature of this thing. Keep checking for current updates

Why is Putin Doing This?

One More Relook at Afghanistan – Surely Not the Last – Part II

Who Did What – Accountability is Due- And What Can Be Learned

Part II

On our last outing together. we attempted to frame how we got where we are. Not the harder part. What might we learn and what should we do?

 How Did We Get to This Point? Was This a Unique Thing in Our History?

This is the hard part to state. This was not unique, and we got to this point the same way we have before. We failed to know when to leave, we overestimated our allies and underestimated our opponents.

One More Relook at Afghanistan – Surely Not the Last – OK, Two Looks

Who Did What – Accountability is Due- And What Can Be Learned

Part I

My intent today was to post a modest review of a few key points we should keep in mind about Afghanistan. Turns out it is more than “a few” points, so today is Part I of a two part posting, the second one coming next Friday. With apologies for excessive verbosity, but this one just would not fit into one tiny box. Off we go.

Public Perceptions

 The general public does not seem to think much of America’s withdrawal from Afghanistan,

You Say You “Love America.” Really? Or Just the Movie Version?

This is a Good Time to Examine What We Mean by “Love of Country”

So, What Defines a Patriot?

This is a bit of a trick question in any country, of course. Most thoughtful people would say it does not mean “Love it or Leave it.” Nor does it mean “My Country, Right or Wrong.” That would be an infantile response. Reasonable adults should be able to care deeply for their country and still recognize when it has erred.

But in America, it is a bit trickier. This is the case because this is a country founded on ideas and an ideal.

A Sampler of Some Fine Writing and Thinking

Enjoy These Varied and Well-Done Writings


Such a Buffet

As much as we all curse the internet (often with good reason), one has to admit it makes available to us an astounding volume and variety of information, thought, wonder, and amusement. Sure, a lot of what is out there is an embarrassment to our species. But there also is quite a lot worthy of our time and attention.

Allow me to share with you a few I have enjoyed of late. I hope you will as well.

Plants Communicate – A Lot

We have known for some time now that the plant world is no near as inanimate as once thought.

At Least We Now Know what the Abbreviation “RNC” Means

In Case You Had Any Doubts, This Week Should Have Cleared Them Up


How the Republican National Committee Spent Its Time and Energy Last Week

This was NOT what I planned to write about today. But what has transpired is too ugly, too unacceptable to let pass.

The American nation has a full platter of challenges, risks, and opportunities before it, as we will discuss shortly. In the midst of such times, the Republican National Committee (RNC) decided the most important thing they had to do was to condemn two members of their conference.

About Supreme Court Nominations

No Better Time Than Right Now to Talk About “Qualified Candidates”


Oh, the Horror!

Right-wing media is afire with angst and anger that the president is about to follow through on his commitment to nominate a Black woman to the Supreme Court. How could he?! What about qualifications?! Is everyone else ineligible for consideration?!

As soon as they finish hyperventilating, let’s see what this really means. And what they really mean.

Any Relevant History Here?

Yeah, just a little bit. Over 300 people have sat on the Court. About 99% of them had a screening criterion – they needed to be white men.

Read This – It is Someone Else’s Blog – But You will be Better for Reading It


A Fine and Detailed Recap of Biden’s First Year – A Lot to Celebrate

Press Coverage of The One Year Mark

I find much of the press coverage of Joe Biden’s first year in office to be off the mark, in both content and tone. There is an interesting phenomenon within the media that I have noticed ever more in recent years. I refer to it as me too-ism.

A story gets picked up from one media source and is replayed by many more, at times it seems without much reflection,

Odds and Ends Rattling Around of Late

A Lot of Us are Snowed in Now – It’s a Good Time for Some Assorted Observations

Supreme Court on Vaccination Mandates

 The current Supreme Court looks increasingly less supreme with every ruling. I keep thinking it cannot get worse, but they continue to raise the ante. At least they kept the health care workers mandate in place (barely – by 1 vote).

Gutting the large employer mandate on the basis that OSHA is the wrong agency for such a mandate enforcement is ridiculous. This is what happens when you have a court anchored in rigid ideology rather than real life.