Pillars for a Better America, Chapter 7

A Series on Priorities for the Biden Administration


Yes, the last week or so has been pretty dramatic. And we still don’t know the long-term, or even the short-term, outcomes. Wait for it – history is unrolling before us, perhaps in some very big ways.

As if that were not enough, the pandemic is on an accelerating rampage. We were warned not to let our standards relax over the holidays or there would be hell to pay on a national level. Too many of us blew it off. Well, here we are.

“Isn’t It Time for Healing and Unity?”

No, Actually Its Not


Instant Conversions

Striking how many Republicans who just last week were talking of massive voter fraud, civil war, etc. have suddenly become peaceniks. The ghost of Rodney King must be laughing at who is now asking “Can’t we all get along?”

There is a long list of enablers, in varying degrees of culpability, but all responsible for the situation that we find ourselves in. As information gets assembled, processed, and shared, the public will become even more aware of just how bad last week was.

It Was the Best of Days, It Was the Worst of Days

From the Miracle in Georgia to the Travesty in the Capitol

Tuesday Night – Wednesday Night

Well, we certainly saw the best of America and the worst of it within 24 hours, didn’t we? It was a lot to absorb either event. Having both within about 24 hours induced political and emotional whip lash. So much to celebrate, so much to mourn. So much to learn.


What a shame. This spectacular political wizardry was quickly eclipsed by the obscenity on the Capitol. For this trulywas a spectacular act of political will, skill, and determination.

Pillars for a Better America, Chapter 6

A Series on Priorities for the Biden Administration


It’s Primary Day in Georgia

We are all tuned into Georgia now for sure. Who could have ever foreseen this turn of events? Certainly not I. It has been quite the roller coaster. How that set of races go will determine how much will be accomplished.

Too close to call and it still feels like a pair of Hail Mary passes, but it is at least possible. I have new respect for Tracy Abrams as an organizer. What they have done in Georgia is nothing short of remarkable.

Pillars for a Better America, Chapter 5

A Series on Priorities for the Biden Administration


Happy New Year, Everyone!

It is indeed a new year, in so many ways. Let’s hope its promise measures up and we Americans measure up to our challenges and opportunities as well. Now, onward with our priorities list for the new administration.

 Pillars for a Better America – Pillars 12-13

This Pillars list will run up until inauguration week. It is not all inclusive, nor is it presented in priority order. These are all important choices for the Biden administration to tackle.

The list is a mix of domestic and international,

The Pick of the Litter for 2020 – Useful for 2021, Too

You and I Shared 141 (!) Blogs This Year – Here are My Favorites (and maybe yours, too)

The Tradition of the Year End Review

Many writers and publishers do a Best of the Year publication at the end of every year. It’s a normal response to the turning of the calendar page into a new year. I have often suspected they did this to save the work of writing yet one more blog on the day the review is published. Having done this a couple of times now, I know better. It’s more work than one might expect going through your own work with an eye toward grading the outcomes.

Pillars for a Better America, Chapter 4

A Series on Priorities for the Biden Administration

Happy Solstice, Everyone!

I hope you had the opportunity to observe the planetary conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn last night. Best such celestial show in over 800 years. And the Solstice has arrived. Every day ahead for the coming months will be brighter. This is true both astronomically and politically.

Pillars for a Better America – Pillars 10-11

As noted earlier in this Pillars for a Better America series,  the list will run up until the inauguration. It is not all inclusive, nor is it presented in priority order.

Pillars for a Better America – Chapter 3

Pillars for a Better America – Pillars 7-9


As noted earlier, the list will run up until the inauguration. It is not all inclusive, nor is it presented in priority order. It offers important choices for the new administration to tackle.

This is a mix of domestic and international, of national and regional/local. This list exists in part to address our requirements and shortfalls. It is also exists to encourage dialogue about what we want to be as a country. We need t to get things done.

What Do We Have So Far?

Let’s Take a Break to Address Some Odds and Ends

A Short Respite from the Pillars for a Better America Series


Recently, we have begun brief discussions of priorities for our new government. I thought to take a short break today, so we do not all suffer from list-fatigue. Let’s invest a few moments into looking at some other things going on around us. A reminder, if you will, that life is not linear, and we do not get to deal with things one at a time.

Shots are Coming! But First, We Must Pass Through the Valley

It is early,

Pillars for a Better America – Pillars 4-6

A Series on Priorities for the Biden Administration

Pillars for a Better America – Chapter 2

As noted when this series started, the list will run up until the inauguration. It is not meant to be all inclusive. But it offers a menu of important choices for the new American government to tackle. These recommendations are NOT in order of priority.

When the list is complete, the reader should note that there is not much that is linear or limited to one area. This is a mix of domestic and international, of national and regional/local.