Laurel & Hardy Come to Mind

Not The Election We Expected. Now What?

The Value of Reflection

Like most everyone who reads this blog, I expect, I was taken aback (to put it mildly) by the presidential election. Not the result so many hoped for, and at least tentatively expected. Enough was “off track” that it seemed to me prudent to take a deep breath, sort through some data, reflect on it all a bit, and then organize thoughts and potential actions.

My first reaction was that famous quote from Laurel and Hardy, amended to say “Well, America – another fine mess you got us into.” A true statement,

Farewell to All That

This is a Tough One to Write

What The National Election Says About Us

 As a general guideline, I have always thought one should look at three primary things in choosing a president. One, character. Two, the ability to lead and get things done. Three, policies and positions.

In all candor, we generally have not had to worry too much about the first factor; even people we disagree with can be fudged to doing the best they can for the country, in their own way.

The second factor can be harder to judge with a new candidate,

The Closing Arguments Said It All

Today is the Day, America

It’s all over except the remaining voters still in line across the country and the final vote counts. It is possible, but unlikely, that we will know who won by late tonight. More likely, it will take a few days.

There is nothing left to say at this point. Every American has the information they need to decide – now we are doing just that.

Both Chose Their Final Messaging

In so many ways, the closing arguments of both campaigns really did say it all.

One chose – not by coincidence,

Reflections on Courage

Character Counts. Courage May be the Most Important Component Today

So, I Had This Idea

 I decided a couple of weeks ago that the subject of Courage would be a suitable topic for this posting, the last one before election day. As you will see shortly, my focus was to be, and still partly is, on courage by election officials and judges.

But things happen. Last week, the billionaire owners of two of the country’s largest newspapers, the LA Times and the Washington Post, interfered with editorial autonomy at the very last minute and cancelled endorsements by both papers for VP Harris.

Lessons Learned from a Once in 1000 Years Disaster

We Know What Works In Such Situations

Hurricane Helene in the Mountains

We in the Great Smoky Mountains have all experienced (and many still are very much experiencing) a unique disaster. The force of one of the largest hurricanes to hit the US in many decades coming inland and up through the Appalachian Mountains. The mountains are full of steep terrain, deep valleys, and large trees. When that environment meets a hurricane, the damage is almost beyond comprehension, over a very large area. Some communities no longer exist, others took various levels of damage, just about everywhere took some damage..

Two Words That Do Not Go Together

Mountains and Hurricanes

As most of you know (and many of you are living through), the recent hurricane that became a tropical storm centered on our beloved Asheville and surrounding area in the mountains. The damage is almost beyond description, but communities are pulling together and making progress on getting well. Some whole communities are gone.

Hope to be back with you next week, if communication is up. This is coming to you from a supermarket parking lot with good wifi!

Soon we will be back at politics etc. In the meantime, if you are in the damage zone,

A Pleasant Reminder of the Power of a Change in the Routine

 A Change of Scenery And Of Pace Can Do Wonders

Sometimes It Seems Difficult To Change

We are fortunate enough to live in the Blue Ridge Mountains. On any given day, a simple glance in almost any direction will lead to the conclusion I reflect on pretty well every day: this may be the most beautiful place on earth. At least it is in the top echelon of world beauty and majesty.

The fact that we live in such a fine area makes the idea of going somewhere else for a change of scenery not something that comes to mind all that easily.

A Baker’s Dozen – 13 Reasons Why You Might Vote for Trump & Vance

A Sarcastic Posting on Voting for the Orange One

About This Posting

No one who is a regular reader of this blog would be fooled into expecting to find an endorsement for the most famous felon in America to again soil the Oval Office. This posting is in the spirit of a Borowitz column, in the spirit of fun.

That there are still people out there who actually think Trump is a good idea is both baffling and sad. I hope many of them seek out the professional help they need. If anything in this posting encourages you to vote for Trump,

A Tale of Twos

Two Conventions, Two Platforms Speak Volumes

Did You Hear That?

As we closed out last week, I heard (metaphorically) the sounds of a race beginning. Someone said, “Drivers, start your engines.” Or was it a voice saying, “Get ready, start, go!”? Maybe a starters pistol fired?

Labor Day is right around the corner and so the presidential race has truly begun. I am actually a bit surprised both sets of candidates are not campaigning the weekend just past. No doubt they are working (at least some of them….) in other ways. Lots of things are different in this election,