February 7, 2023

Politics, Drones, and Sports – Competition Abounds

The New Democratic Primary Calendar and the Old Republican One

The Democrats made the expected change and rearranged their primary calendar in a big way. Some thoughts about all that:

  • It is way past time to make such a change. Setting the pace with Iowa and New Hampshire has made no sense for a very long time. I personally like the Iowa caucus model, and New Hampshire’s tradition of just about everyone personally meeting the candidates has appeal. But neither state is representative of the country at large,

Thoughts on 3 Countries, 1 Forest – and a Jar

January 31, 2013 – The New Year is Already a Month Old and Full of News

New Zealand

Like many people around the world, I was disappointed and saddened to learn of the resignation of NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. She had justifiably caught the world’s attention as a bright, bold leader, a young female just starting a family and while she was at it, dealt with a deadly plague and terrible gun violence effectively.

Her departure could be a complicated set of rationales – hard to tell what was most important. She no doubt felt that as a female leader and a young leader,

Six Views for Your Consideration

Security, Books, Pizza, and More

Securing Classified Documents

We have heard in recent days, and will hear a lot more, about classified papers on the loose at the presidential level. There are elements yet to be resolved on the Biden end; we know the story on Trump. Still, we know enough overall to call out the following essential elements.

  • Both cases involve mishandling of classified data. That is serious and has to be treated as such. As noted below, there are important differences in these two cases, but appointing a Special Prosecutor for both has its merits.

That Was Quite a Year!

Politics (and Its Many Step-Children) Never Had a Dull Day This Year

The Year That Was

I was tenuous about writing this, since when you receive it we will still have five days left in the year and anything could happen. Still, it is almost a wrap for 2022.

Lots of other publications are doing The Year in Review this week. This one is more modest – we are just going to recall a very few but very important things from this year in politics. What a year this has been.

What a year 2023 is likely to be.

Tis the Season of Peace on Earth

Let’s Talk About War and Conflict – But in a Good Way

Say What?!

I expect the second line in the heading for this blog caused a bit of confusion. How could one talk about war and conflict “in a good way?”

Bear with me as I try to make the case. In general terms, who wouldn’t want peace on Earth? Unfortunately, we are not there yet as a species. We still have no shortage of evil-doers who are all too ready to inflict pain, death, and suffering on others for the most unacceptable reasons (greed,

Tis the Season of Politics, Family, Science – and More

Assorted Issues and Observations to Share


 I can never think about Thanksgiving without remembering the now iconic column written by journalist/humorist Art Buchwald, explaining the holiday to the French (he was assigned to Paris at the time, with the Herald Tribune). He closed the column with two very true observations – this is the one day of the year almost the entire country eats the same things and – it is the one day of the year Americans eat better than the French.

I made a harvest pie this year for thanksgiving,

Observations on Occurrences of Note

The Past Week or So Left Us a Lot to Think About

Pelosi and Team Step Down

Not unexpectedly, Speaker Pelosi announced this week that she was stepping down as party leader in the House after a 20 year run. Her two key deputies did the same. A few points to highlight:

  • It was a gracious and classy speech.
  • This marks the end of what could well be the most effective Speakership ever. She has been a remarkable leader because, as is often said, she does so many things so well.

About Those Midterm Elections

It Was the Best of Times; It Was the Worst of Times…

Well, That Was Interesting

 Much still going on out of the elections and important matters yet to be decided. Still, we know some important outcomes from all this. First of all, at least two people were right – Joe Biden and me (forgive the hubris on this one).

Biden went straight to the country in hammering home two points. One, this is not a referendum on himself – it is a choice on what we do and who we are as a country.

It’s Election Day, America – Hold Your Breath, Cross Your Fingers

We Will Know Shortly What Our Fellow Citizens Have Decided About America’s Future

Well, Here We Are

I suppose at this point we are all, whatever our political persuasion, tired of hearing and saying that “This is the most important election of our time.” But once again, this one does seem to qualify.

This blog is being posted on Election Day. Many millions – a record number for midterm elections – have already voted, by absentee and through the mail. Millions more will vote today, in person. We honestly do not have much of a clue of how the election will go,

Abortion vs Forced Birth in America

Hard to Believe We Are Where We Are – But There Are Some Hopeful Signs

First, The No Surprises List

In anticipation of this Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, a number of outcomes were forecast. So far, all have come true.

  • The Trump appointees to the Court all lied when they said in their confirmation hearings that they respected precedent and considered this settled law. This revelation should have surprised absolutely no one.
  • If Alioto was to write the majority opinion, it would be poorly written. True to form, his decision is a terrible read and short on logic or legal foundations.