Three Important Benchmarks You May Have Missed


Big Events Grab Headlines. Sometimes the more important back story gets lost

Benchmark 1: The Resignation of Kirstjen Nielsen as Secretary of Homeland Security

We expected this one for some time. Besides this change of personnel, three more points worth noting as national benchmarks:

  • There has been much commentary that Nielsen was holding back Trump’s worst instincts. There has also been much discussion that in the end, she sold her soul. Whatever protests she might have mounted, she did the president’s dirty work. She did it in an area that stains this country forever.

YOU are in Cybersecurity Danger – From FOUR Directions – Part I

The Risks are Far Worse Than Most of Us Think. But There is Hope

This is the first part of a two-part post. Today’s blog lays out the primary dangers we face individually and as a country. Part II looks at ways out of this mess.

We are all aware that a lot seems to be amiss in the world of cybersecurity. What may have gotten lost for some of us is how deep and wide the threats run. There is an overarching framework that makes this all exceptionally dangerous. The attacks come from four different threats,



Will the Connective Text be “&”or “Vs.”?

I am watching for the installation of the incoming 116th US Congress with great anticipation. Also, with a mix of great hopes and no small amount of trepidation. The potential for the country going forward is great. The risks are not miniscule.

As one looks at the roster of incoming new members, there is much to celebrate. The diversity, motivations, and life-experiences coming on line are impressive to say the least. We are gaining more of just about everything we need. More women, more veterans,

And the Next Speaker of the U. S. House of Representatives is….

The Democrats Have a Rare Opportunity to Be Smart. Anyone Taking Bets?


It turns out that the “Blue Wave” actually was a wave. It just took a while to come in. Results described as “not since Watergate” say a lot. Remarkably, a recent poll says that a good part of Republican voters believe their side won. Must have listened to Mr. Trump’s press conference, then turned off the TV. We live in strange times.

I have often thought that the national symbol of the Democratic Party should not be a donkey.

Veterans Day Reflections: Service and Sacrifice; Gratitude and Community


Veterans Day  provides opportunities to ponder big issues

Today we celebrate Veterans Day, at a time of national division.  We do so when the president flew half way around the world to commemorate the end of World War I. He then chose to sit out the first ceremony. Because it was raining.

We could use a little reflection on what Veterans Day means. Herewith, my take on it.

Service: We live in a society with oddly mixed motivations. Volunteerism is, in many places and for many causes, at near record levels.

Mid Terms are Over. What Does America Look Like Now?

Overall, a Good Night for Democrats. But Something for Everyone and Risks Everywhere.

Goodness knows the airways are full of post elections analysis. I don’t know about you, but I really don’t need to read another article about the 5/10/20 important lessons of Tuesday night.

We have only had a few hours or so to absorb the electoral results. Too much is in the mix to deal with in one post, anyway. But I had a cautionary note at the end of this post, referring back to something I said in a post some months ago.

Let’s Think Carefully About Judges


The Judicial System is a Delicate Balancing Act. Resist Efforts to Tilt It.


The role of judges in America is an interesting one as it relates to the other branches of government. Put in layman’s terms, the courts are to keep the other two branches from running off the road of sanity. OK, that may be a bit of an overstatement, but not by much.

Courts are actually slow to engage in this role. They are not eager to pick a fight. This is especially so with legislatures,

Have We Forgotten the Point of Representative Democracy?


There Is Solid Reasoning Behind Representative vs Direct Democracy.

The founders of these United States carefully reviewed governments throughout history. They focused much of their attention on ancient Greece and Rome. Oftentimes, they did so by reading in Greek and Latin, so as not to lose subtleties in translation. We could use a few of those founders today – but that is a discussion for another day.

We are making our choices in midterm elections. I don’t think anyone on any side of any issue underestimates the importance of these elections.

This Election Offers a Once in a Generation Twofer


NOTHING is certain, but Nov 6 Looks Like a Blue Wave. It is Likely to Bring a Bonus

  • The polls increasingly point to November elections as a Blue Wave, if not a Blue Tidal Wave. I am writing this as we await Tropical Depression Florence in our area. This puts me in a wave frame of mind (we expect our immediate area to be fine, for those who might be wondering). Five thoughts come to mind in contemplating November 6:
  • One, as noted above, nothing is ever certain.

Mr. Trump Hits the Trifecta

It Was a Challenge to Squeeze This Much Bad Judgement and Childish Behavior into One Week – But He Did It

Donald Trump went out of his way last week to show once again why he is hopeless as a President. This was a record week of making bad situations worse and debasing the office he holds for the moment. Let’s take a look at three examples from the week:

John McCain: Let us start with the simplest, and in so many ways, the most egregious. Mr. Trump presided over the signing of the Defense Authorization Bill.