Is There Anything in Transportation Better Than a Train Ride?

No. There is Not Anything Even Close.

A Life-Long Love Affair Continues

I suppose I tipped my hand a bit in the opening lines for this post. I do indeed love just about everything related to trains. There have been times when AMTRAK tested that love mightily (more on that later, with  good news).

Much of my life has been spent in one form of transit or another. A lot of it in airplanes (sometimes landing with them, sometimes jumping out before they landed). More miles than I can count on roads and highways,

Employment Will Never Be the Same Again

Not for Employees, Not for Employers. A New Era is Upon Us

Mixed Indicators All Over the Country

I mentioned in the last post that we would take some time to look at what is going on in employment, both long term and short term. What is going on will – already is – affect us all for quite a while, often profoundly.

Others have certainly noticed all this. There has been a flood of very good articles, local and national, trying to assess what is going on. One set of numbers that jumps out is that there are about 8 million people out of work and about 10 million jobs unfilled.

Economics for the Rest of Us

Much Economics Writing is Academic and High Level – Today Let’s Look Closer In


Economics is Life

Whether we like to acknowledge it or not, economics is a powerful force in all our lives. It may be complex, it may be removed from our observation, but it determines so much, including much of our politics and social norms. If there ever was a domain in which the term “unforeseen consequences” rings true, it is economics.

I am in the process of reading Barack Obama’s last book and have just completed the section about the economic crisis he inherited and the remarkable demands it placed,

One Way to Lose the Argument on Institutional Racism

 Tell the Complete Story of Our History –Get It Wrong and Be Further Behind Than Ever


The Tensions Over Critical Race Theory and Similar Approaches

One of the real lightning bolts in current domestic politics is the fuss over the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT). Never mind that darn few people know what it is, or that it is being taught as an academic discipline almost nowhere. Several states have passed legislation forbidding it being taught. Someone even started talk about putting cameras in classrooms, just to ensure teachers did not sneak it into the curriculum.

If I Were King for a Day

A Short List of Things to Make the World a Better Place- In My Humble Opinion

Ever Play “King for a Day?”

We all did this as kids. Let’s do a grown-up version. If I were granted the power to do anything, including some fanciful things, this is my short To-Do list of a dozen items as it stands today. Enjoy!


  1. An Engine Check Light for People– We are far enough along in science and medicine now that we should have one of those all-purpose trouble lights just like in our cars.

Last Round in the Contest for an American Socio-Economic System

Time to Make a Choice! And the Winner Is….

Part Four of a Four-Part Series on Choosing a Socio-Economic System for America

A Short Review of What We Have Noted Across the Various Options

In doing a very large-scale, low-resolution examination of the three primary socio-economic systems on offer, we noted the following:

  • Terminology counts. We must be clear about terms if our decisions are to have meaning.
  • Every system has its strengths and weaknesses; none are anywhere close to perfect.
  • Every system will fail at some point,

Taking Some Time to Think About Time

Time Shapes So Much of Our Lives. Yet We Understand It Hardly at All


What is Time, Anyway?

Seems a simple question, but there is little agreement out there among people who cogitate on such musings. For most of us, time is a given. It is what provides the benchmarks and guideposts of life. When we think of life’s events, we often think of when they happened, and in what sequence. Time and events, life as a whole, seem intertwined inexorably.

But there is a serious coterie of scientists who think time is not a real thing but is just something we incorrectly perceive.

About the Olympics

Few Human Endeavors Carry Such Contrasts


 A Reminder as to How All This Began

The Olympic games were an invention of ancient Greece, one of the wonderful things that civilization left us. The idea was to foster peaceful competition and to celebrate youthful excellence, dedication, and skill. It was a noble and inspiring idea that was restarted in the modern era, for all the right reasons.

The Power and Beauty of Youthful Athletes

It would be difficult to not admire the skill and remarkable dedication of Olympic athletes. For most of them,

Mixed Emotions on the 4th of July? That is Very American

The Fourth is More Than Our National Holiday. It’s Our National Mirror

Reflections on the Fourth of July, 2021

You and I are probably like most Americans on this Fourth of July. In looking back over the past year, over the past 245 years, and over the years to come, we feel a wide range of thoughts and emotions. As well we should.

I decided a long time ago that anything less than conflicting feelings would be a waste – and lazy. This country has always been a mix of hope and despair,

Hey! Did You See This?

A Small But Varied Collection of Fun/Interesting Things Found Online


Smorgasbord Time

Every so often we take a break from focusing on one thing to share some assorted tidbits that seem worth sharing. Today is such a day. Hope you enjoy these as much as I have. Most are short descriptions of and reflections on interesting articles, along with links to those articles. The last two are simply me thinking out loud. One never knows what will bubble to the top of my (or your) brain; here are a couple for today.

10 Books About Geopolitics

One of my disappointments in high school (boy,