Odds and Ends

Notes on Assorted Topics- Mostly Politics, But Not All

The Gutting Of Government is Well Underway

As expected, the taking of hatchets to government is under way at full throttle. As one would expect from a Trump initiative, it is being done with zero thought to impacts or smooth execution. Just ripping things and people apart. It is worth noting that this is being done for several reasons, and those reasons tell you who is driving the processes and why.

There are the Plan 2025 people, led by the nominated Director of OMB,

What If History Was Changed?

How Might a Few Changes Affect the World?

Not a New Idea

The idea of history coming out differently at some key point, and the changes that could happen as a result, are not exactly new ideas. This play on variants has a long history among historians and among fiction writers. Still, always a fun and perhaps useful line of thought to pursue.

Looking at such scenarios makes one think about how things, people, and events are so intricately involved in real life. Any change, even a small one or a single incident, could have monumental effects.

You Really Do Need to Read That Fine Print

A Lot of Contracts, Log-Ons, and Subscriptions Have Sneaky Content

Buyer Beware

It is an old truism that when entering into a contract or any sort of transaction, the guiding principle for the person making the purchase is “buyer beware.” The individual has a responsibility to understand what is being offered (and not offered) in any transaction and to act with that knowledge in hand.As we all know, that is often a hard standard to meet in the real world. Such documents increasingly have a mountain of legalese, usually presented in very long paragraphs written in small fonts.

A Little of This, a Little of That

A Mix of Things Rise to Commentary This Week

What Next in the Middle East?

The death of Hamas leader Sinwar is about a big a thing as one could imagine. Will it lead to a change of fortune for Palestinians and Israelis? It should, but the truth is no one knows at this point. It seems the Biden team has been working the possibilities hard already, not only with the principle players but with other countries as well, Middle Eastern and European.

Tom Friedman of the NY Times, a guy with deep roots in the region,

Lessons Learned from a Once in 1000 Years Disaster

We Know What Works In Such Situations

Hurricane Helene in the Mountains

We in the Great Smoky Mountains have all experienced (and many still are very much experiencing) a unique disaster. The force of one of the largest hurricanes to hit the US in many decades coming inland and up through the Appalachian Mountains. The mountains are full of steep terrain, deep valleys, and large trees. When that environment meets a hurricane, the damage is almost beyond comprehension, over a very large area. Some communities no longer exist, others took various levels of damage, just about everywhere took some damage..

A Season of Change

Fall is Here And It Is Not Only the Weather That Is Changing. Just Ask Trump

Ah, Fall

This is, by far, my favorite season. It is one reason we moved to live in the mountains. My only complaint is that it is too short a season. The slight crispness of the air, the spectacular foliage, followed by a time to admire the architecture and beauty of bare trees. It is a reminder that time marches on and more change is coming.

This year, that promise of change, both good and bad, in in the air of human endeavors.

You Are There

We Are in a 90 Day Benchmark in History

Remember That Show?

Those of a certain age may recall a pretty darn good radio/TV show called You are There. It ran on CBS radio starting in 1947, then transitioned to TV in 1953, continuing through 1957, for a total of 90 episodes. There were a couple of years of reruns in the early 1970s. In each show, the viewer was transported to a “newsroom” in another era, where reporters were covering some historic event which was happening around them right now.

I barely remember any of it as a small child,

Ten Thoughts on Ten Topics

A Lot Has Happened in the Last Week or So

The Middle East Muddle

Israel killed a prominent Hamas leader last week – in Iran. They also took out a Hezbollah leader, in Beirut. I personally have no issue with Israel taking out their sworn enemies who are responsible for atrocities and attacks. But one must question the wisdom of killing the Hamas official who was leading the peace talks, making any progress on that front most unlikely for the foreseeable future. The only senior Hamas leader still standing is the worst of the lot.

The risk of a two front war for Israel is getting uncomfortably close,

OK, Democrats – Now What?

This Feels Like a Mix of Laurel & Hardy with the Alamo – But Not for Long

To Biden or Not to Biden? That is the Question

Well, actually that is not THE question. At least not as a simple up or down. The discussion, if I may use that polite term, since the infamous debate actually raises a number of questions and parameters. Sorry, cannot just focus on one.

I deliberately chose not to discuss this matter last week, simply because it was too soon and too much was unknown. We will talk about what is included here that must be addressed (3 key elements) momentarily,

A Short Observation on Loyalty

How a Leader Thinks About Loyalty Tells You All You Need to Know

Loyalty as a Value

There is no doubt that loyalty is an important element in any organization. It is an energy source and the lubrication that helps keep the wheels turning. An organization in which loyalty is missing, towards the institution or towards the leader, is an organization at risk.

Does that mean leaders should expect, even demand it? No. In fact, quite the opposite.

Looking at Loyalty in the Wrong Way

As long-time readers may recall, leadership is a life-long area of interest to me.