A Modest Gift

A Little Change of Pace for the Next Blog Post


You Deserve a Gift for the New Year

We, you and I, have been in this conversation for some time now. Some of us for quite a long run. Hard to believe this blog has logged in 400 posts (!) since we started this thing. Happily, it has been very much a two-way conversation, although I would welcome even more of that – I find what you are thinking to be consistently interesting, thoughtful, and worthy of sharing with others.

To date,

It’s Time for a Favorite Holiday

No, Not That One Next Saturday. The One Today.


 Tis the Season – For All Kinds of Celebrations

As has been noted earlier in this space, this seems to be the time of year that people and cultures all over the world choose to celebrate some larger-than-life theme. From Thanksgiving to Christmas to Hannukah to Eid to Kwanza to Diwali, to New Year’s Day, and more.

Something like 19 major holidays are celebrated world-wide in the late NOV-early JAN time frame, and countless more withing individual societies. And that does not even count those like National Doughnut Day or Stout Day!

Animals in Our Lives, and We in Theirs

This is as Magic a Relationship as Can Be – If You Have One, Revel In It

Christmas Came a Bit Early in Our Home This Year

The picture you see at the opening of this posting is of Bonnie, the newest member of our family. Bonnie is an 8-year-old border collie who was in need of a new home just about the time we were looking to adopt. The universe lined up, and here we are together. Nice.

Friends who read this blog will know that we lost our beloved Lizzy the Lab a year and a half ago.

So, I Was Thinking About a Few Things

Some Loose Ends as the Year Draws Toward a Close

December Reflections – Not Exactly Santa’s List But Here We Go

It is that time of year wherein we are all prone to start thinking about the year that is almost over, and the one about to knock on our door. In that spirit, five things to reflect upon, in good and bad news categories, are rattling around in my head of late. Let’s take a look.

The Economy – Especially Inflation: Take a Deep Breath

It seems hard to get people at large to recognize it,

Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk are Brilliant and Insightful – But Terrible Bosses

Why Did They Find It So Hard to be Decent Leaders?


Credit Where It Is Due

Let’s start out on some positive notes, and an update on Bezos.

First, there is no doubt that both Bezos and Musk are brilliant and driven people. They are driven to excel at a level most people could not comprehend. Both have taken significant risks and routinely thought out of that proverbial box. Both persevered long after others would have given up.

And we should note that Bezos no longer runs Amazon, having been “replaced” by Andy Jassy.

Why the Chip Shortage is So Important

This is a Vulnerability. It is Also a World-Class Opportunity


A Chip! A Chip! My Kingdom for a Chip!

All due apologies to William Shakespeare and King Richard III for the borrowed line above. It seems to fit exactly how a lot of people feel about this global shortage of computer chips we have all been hearing about over the last few months.

The shortage truly is global, in both geographical terms and in terms of what systems are affected. People are waiting for months to get a new car because automakers cannot get the chips needed.

Two Areas Where Media is Dropping the Ball

We Need Better Than This

About That Whole “Fourth Branch of Government” Thing

From its earliest days, America – well, some Americans, anyway – have recognized the importance of a free and responsible press to democracy. We all know the famous lines from Jefferson, wherein he stated that if he had to choose between a society with no press or one with no government, he would choose the latter. The press, media today, is that important to an informed citizenry.

Today, let’s talk a bit about the mainstream press, not social media.

Why Halloween Was a Big Deal This Year

Probably More So for Adults Than Kids


The Evolution of Halloween

Halloween has been around for a long time, in one form or another. Much of this is rooted in more ancient celebrations that are generally known as All Souls Day. This earlier celebration goes back at least 3,000-4,000 years in a number of cultures.

In Mexico, the belief is that on midnight the 30th of October, the souls of the departed come back for a brief visit. Relatives go all out making alters and laying out food and other items to welcome them back,

Sharing Some Good News

Synopsis and Links to Encouraging and Inspiring Articles

Cheer Up!

Goodness knows we have had more than our share of discouraging or unnerving news of late, especially in the political realm. OK, also in the social realm, climate, weather, medical, economics….

We could use some good news.

Take heart. I am about to share a short synopsis with links of six recent stories that offer hope and encouragement. Most are based in science or medicine, but a couple are just about folks who decided to have lives well lived; in one story,

The Passing of Colin Powell Merits Reflection by All of Us

He would be the first to say Life is Complicated- And Its All Connected

An Extraordinary American Has Left Us

Colin Powell’s passing has led to a steady flow of 1:1 stories and reflections on his life that remind us all of some important things. You could have zero background or interest in military or diplomatic affairs, and yet learn much from Powell’s life. I certainly have done so.

The Many Roles of Colin Powell

 Powell saw himself first and foremost as an American. To him, that title carried with it special advantages and specific obligations.