That First Grade Teacher – An Homage to Teachers


Reflecting Back Reminds Us of the Powerful Role Teachers Play in Our Lives

Unless you have children in school, you may forget about teachers for long stretches of time. You don’t see them, don’t have the opportunity to talk with many of them. But over the last year or so, teachers have reminded us they are here. Teachers have been on strike from coast to coast, in a desperate effort to get justice on many fronts. For the most part, the tactic has worked. It is forcing governors and legislators to recognize the vital role these people serve.

There is a Killer Out There, Stalking Us All

The superbug MRSA is killing patients in American Hospitals. In Europe? Not So Much


We are at Risk

By now, most have heard of MRSA, or Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus.This is a bacterial infection, most commonly referred to as a staph infection, that is often fatal. It is highly resistant to the drugs we have available to us and is getting more so over time.

How bad is this? Take a look at the numbers. Each year, about 90,000 Americans are infected with MRSA. Many are children and others with weak immune systems.

Last Week We Savaged “Fashion.” Let’s Move on to “Dressing Up.”


Dressing Up to Send Message

Last week we had some fun at the expense of the fashion industry. Most of us seemed to agree -the fashion industry may not represent civilization’s best.

So, let’s take another step. Since we have decided to forego fashion’s extremes, when might we want to dress with a bit more than usual care? There are some important reasons for doing so, and fashion has nothing to do with it.

Dress Code? We Don’t Need No Stinking Dress Code! Or Do We?

I am fortunate enough to live in a great area in which casual is the universal uniform of the day.

It’s a Grab Bag Blog Today! Something for Everyone


Enjoy a Collection of Assorted News, Human Interest, and Other Tidbits. Part of our Hey, Look at That! Series.

Today I am pleased to share an assortment of articles and information that I have come across. I found them fascinating. Sometimes fun, sometimes infuriating, but consistently good to know. This like going through your garage to organize a yard sale. I found some items to share.

I am constantly collecting bits of information and entertainment. Every once in a while, its’ time to share a few. Today is such a day.

Clearly, I Need Fashion Help


The Fashion Industry is a Major Financial and Publicity Phenomenon. Why?

Thinking About Fashion

The fashion industry and its satellites have been exceptionally visible of late. It is that time of year wherein Fashion Week takes place in key centers. We lived in Paris and New York; we saw how big a deal these events are for those in and admiring of the fashion bubble.

The passing of Karl Lagerfeld, a legend in the business, also generated a lot of commentary of late. I don’t know much about Lagerfeld or his work.

Sometimes Modern Medicine Really is Miraculous


How We Organize, Pay For, and Integrate Medicine in This Country is a Mess. 

The Actual Practice of Medicine, However, Can Be Pretty Impressive.

This is Not Your Parents Surgery

My wife went through a major surgical procedure replacing a hip a few days ago. We are both fortunate to have good health, so this sojourn into the medical culture is a new experience for us. It has been educational and, in many ways, encouraging. We learned some things that might be of interest to anyone facing major medical engagements.

A Clarion Call for The Just Right Candidate


Give Us Youth, Please –and Experience

Anyone Else Want to Run, or is About 20 Candidates Enough?

We are now into double digits for declared Democratic candidates for president. At least as many may yet make the run. The count could well surpass the 17 that the Republicans fielded last time. You might recall how well that went for everyone.

All things considered, it is natural that so large a group is signing up to be our next leader. To a degree, this is a healthy thing. It is a time to expand our vision and to consider a wide range of options about policies and candidates.

In Praise of Great Design


Steve Jobs and Others Have Been on to Something That Makes Our Lives Better

Many years ago, Steve Jobs made it clear to his employees that he was as fixated on design as he was on technology. Stories abound about how he drove people nuts over the smallest design elements. This was as true for packaging as it was for the products in those cleverly designed boxes. That lead has been widely followed now, in many industries.

I recently purchased another Amazon echo dot (we have a house full of these things now).

“Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain!”

While We are Fixated on Washington, State Legislatures are Affecting our Lives


That title line from the Wizard of Oz for this posting is what some people would like us to think about our state legislatures – pay no attention. There are a lot of powerful people who are fine with people railing against or rallying for something in Congress. It tends to distract us from looking at our state legislatures. That would be a major error on our part. It is my hope that in this coming election season, we are smart enough and focused enough to not let state legislatures operate unengaged by activated citizens.

Accountability, Atonement, and Forgiveness: The Search is On


Some Important, Long Standing Wrongs Are Getting Justice. Can We Get This Right?

Some Days It Is Hard to Look in the Mirror, America

This is a blog posting I was not keen on writing. So much is at play around issues involving racism and sexual misconduct. Nothing seems easy to address. A lot of wrongs got a pass for way too long from way too many people. Too many of us live in blissful ignorance of what it is like to be a woman in Hollywood or a black man walking down a street.