Thinking 3rd Party, True Believer, or Independent Candidate?

Don’t. Just don’t.

The 2020 elections are off to an early start. On the Democratic side, the candidate roster is creeping up on double digits already. The calendar mark of “too late to get in the race” is likely to come early this time around. For the Republican, there are scenarios involving Trump’s impeachment or resignation. The hunt is on for viable candidates to challenge Trump in the primaries. If someone like the governor of Maryland takes that leap, the challenge could be substantial. Team Trump is hard at work trying to short circuit challenges in the primaries and at the convention.

Government Shutdowns: Lessons, Morals, Costs, and Opportunities

  1. There is a lot of pontificating going on about the government shutdown. What was actually important to learn?


Well, the government shutdown is behind us – at least for now

President Trump continues to make growling noises about doing it again in a couple of weeks. With this president, who knows? Still, it seems unlikely at this point.

Shutdowns are not new, although this one had some unique wrinkles, as we will discuss. The uniqueness of any one shutdown notwithstanding, there are lessons for anyone who wants to learn them.

An American Handicap – Peculiar and Self-Inflicted, But Curable

Our Size, Timeline in History, and Geography Shaped America -for Good and for Ill


A LONG time ago, I sat in a political history class in college. I was contemplating American history and current events. The professor had pointed out that there were some unique factors in America’s formation. These made the country we know possible, in the way it has developed. Today, I can see some problems resulting from those early factors.

Size: The first of these factors was that we had a continent on which to grow. Much of it was wilderness.

Quotes & Quips – Don’t You Wish YOU had Thought of These? Me, too

Humorous or insightful thoughts to help start the New Year


As regular readers know, about once a quarter or so, this site provides a short list of quotes that I find really good, worthy of sharing. Some are profound, some are funny, some are both.

Herewith, the latest offerings to help launch your New Year.  A baker’s dozen for your edification and reflection. Enjoy!

  1. “In our democracy, we govern either by leadership or by crisis. If leadership is willing to take the risks that come with the responsibility of power,

Is it Time to Turn a Life Page?

Knowing When It is Time for a Change is an Important Life Skill


I enjoyed an opportunity a few days ago that I see more often late. It might be a coincidence of the people around me, or it might be a trend more generally. Either way, it’s a good thing.

This was a farewell for someone who was leaving a job she had enjoyed for years. It turns out she had been thinking for some time that it was time for a life change. She had a good position and enjoyed her coworkers.

Are We Actually THAT Shortsighted and Selfish?

Our choices for transportation don’t say much for us

American automotive firms are pretty much getting out of the car business. They are going almost exclusively to trucks and SUVs. They are leaving the automobile market to foreign companies.

One cannot blame them for this – they are going where the market tells them. You and I pretty much determine what General Motors, et al manufacture.

People have gone in this direction on a large scale because gasoline is a bit cheaper these days. Gas is not costly; so, gas mileage is not much of a factor for many of us anymore.

What Are We Reading? Tips for Finding the Good Stuff


So Much to Read, So Little Time. Sharing Our Favorites and Shortcuts.


(1) This is the first in our new, two posts per week format. I hope you find this a good fit.

(2) Many of you took up the email to share Agents of Reason with friends. Thanks!

(3) Some of you reading this are new readers, thanks to the aforementioned emails. Welcome aboard! We are glad to have you with us and look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Now on to today’s topic:

Thinking About Reading

Last summer,

New Year’s Resolutions – Two Simple Steps to Make Them Work


Making Resolutions? – Make Them Work and Make Them Fun.

Tis the time of year people get fixated on resolutions for the new year. We all know how this usually goes. Big plans. High goals. Failure. It need not be so.

I mentioned in an earlier blog that I like the idea of personal resolutions on your birthday, rather than for the new year. This seems to me a more personal way to focus on such aspirations. But the tradition of doing this in January seems a strong pull for many of us;

YOU are in Cybersecurity Danger – Part II – Time for a Manhattan Project

It’s Going to Take Everybody to Fix This. It is Past time to get started.


In part I of this post, we reviewed the overarching, completely integrated nature of the cyberworld we now live in. We are increasingly interconnected, often in ways that are not apparent to us. We are exceptionally vulnerable individually and collectively.

So, what to do? As one might expect, there is no silver bullet solution, but a number of things are doable that could correct the imbalances. None will be fast, cheap, or easy, but they are essential – and doable.

YOU are in Cybersecurity Danger – From FOUR Directions – Part I

The Risks are Far Worse Than Most of Us Think. But There is Hope

This is the first part of a two-part post. Today’s blog lays out the primary dangers we face individually and as a country. Part II looks at ways out of this mess.

We are all aware that a lot seems to be amiss in the world of cybersecurity. What may have gotten lost for some of us is how deep and wide the threats run. There is an overarching framework that makes this all exceptionally dangerous. The attacks come from four different threats,