Have You Ever Noticed…?

A Short List of Life’s Small Irritants

Let’s take a break from politics this week (Control yourselves. Stop all that cheering out loud!) This week, we are looking elsewhere for musings, reflections, and surprises.


In most of the country, people are swamped with ads and news about elections. Court rulings or legislative changes make even the familiar unfamiliar in some places.

This week, a friend (Thanks, Jerry) put me onto something good. It comes from an organization we both know and trust (Hello there,

The Zen of Shaving: Mindfulness Meets Facial Hair

Hey, Mars. I think Venus is on to something.

Women Know Something Men Don’t  (Yeah, what surprise that headline is…)

Have you ever noticed that almost all the ads for those nice spas and similar places feature women in the ads? That is not a coincidence. Women make up the vast majority of clients for such care and self-care places. Most of the offerings at such venues cater to women and do not offer much that guys would be interested in. But guys, there is a lesson in all that; we should pay attention.

Random Thoughts from a Mind Adrift

Assorted Thoughts About Everything and About Nothing

Do you ever have one of those days where your brain will not be still, but neither will it focus? Yeah, me, too. I have decided that when such periods appear, one might as well enjoy the ride. It’s a bit like high speed cruising through a bookstore you like. All sorts of interesting odds and ends can pop up.

I made one of those “bookstore drive throughs” recently. I thought I would share with you what popped up. I hope you find some of it amusing,

Clearly, I Need Fashion Help


The Fashion Industry is a Major Financial and Publicity Phenomenon. Why?

Thinking About Fashion

The fashion industry and its satellites have been exceptionally visible of late. It is that time of year wherein Fashion Week takes place in key centers. We lived in Paris and New York; we saw how big a deal these events are for those in and admiring of the fashion bubble.

The passing of Karl Lagerfeld, a legend in the business, also generated a lot of commentary of late. I don’t know much about Lagerfeld or his work.

It’s Frivolous Friday! Let us Speak of Tattoos and Travel


As we do from time to time, let’s take a Friday to step back from serious subjects for a little weekend fun.

Today, I pose two questions for you to consider. I am speculating most of us have likely not considered, at least not often, the first one. The second one may have more of a track record with the group. We will see.

You may consider these rather outlandish questions in the privacy of your mind, of course. But this is one post that would be fun for a lot of us to share.

Quotes & Quips – Don’t You Wish YOU had Thought of These? Me, too

Humorous or insightful thoughts to help start the New Year


As regular readers know, about once a quarter or so, this site provides a short list of quotes that I find really good, worthy of sharing. Some are profound, some are funny, some are both.

Herewith, the latest offerings to help launch your New Year.  A baker’s dozen for your edification and reflection. Enjoy!

  1. “In our democracy, we govern either by leadership or by crisis. If leadership is willing to take the risks that come with the responsibility of power,

Happy Birthday! Who Says So?!

Are We Commemorating These Things Correctly? Perhaps Not.


Like a great number of people, I am marking a birthday this month. (Time now for the obligatory What? Again? Already? comment). As such passages do, this one has caused me to reflect a bit on birthdays; what they mean, and what we do with them. Let’s take a brief look.

About Birthdays

First of all, it is a bit odd when you think about it that most such events congratulate the person who was born. While our day of birth is important to us each and all,

Thanksgiving, You Sneaky Thing, You!

Lincoln had the right idea for a National Day of Thanksgiving. What about this year?

Americans have had a tradition of giving thanks since before we were Americans. The pilgrims had such a time. President Washington noted the importance of a time for reflection and thanks. President Lincoln finally made the date official.

In every year, there are many of us who wonder if there is much for which we should be thankful. If we are thankful, what does that mean exactly? This might be such a year for many of us. But be of good heart – there is much to earn our thanks.

Quotable Quotes


A Random Collection of Quotes We Like. Some Thoughtful, Some Funny, Some Both.

Happy Halloween, Everyone. Interesting what an event, what a phenomena Halloween has become, more so for adults it would seem than for children. Maybe we will talk about that, and holidays in general, soon. In the meantime:

Every so often I like to offer up a few samples from my ever-growing collection of quotes that resonate. I hope you enjoy them and as before, would be delighted for you to share one or two of your own with us all.

Let Me Tell You a Story….

Story Telling as High Culture and Community Connector.


Most of us have good childhood memories that begin with the phrase “tell me a story.” Stories are some of the earliest connections we have with those we love. They can fire our imagination, touch our emotions, teach us valuable lessons.

That is only the beginning. Stories are also how we pass down culture and history. In some cultures, this is the primary means for passing along what is important. Story tellers are honored people, with foundational roles in society.

You may be forgiven for thinking this is no longer the case in America.