A Series on Priorities for the Biden Administration
Happy Solstice, Everyone!
I hope you had the opportunity to observe the planetary conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn last night. Best such celestial show in over 800 years. And the Solstice has arrived. Every day ahead for the coming months will be brighter. This is true both astronomically and politically.
Pillars for a Better America – Pillars 10-11
As noted earlier in this Pillars for a Better America series, the list will run up until the inauguration. It is not all inclusive, nor is it presented in priority order. It offers important choices for the new administration to tackle.
What Do We Have So Far?
Pillar 10: Campaign Reform
Pillar 11: Childcare
We Are at the Halfway Point on the List

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I’d go one better on campaign financing. Eliminate private and corporate funding entirely. Candidates would get a fixed amount depending on the scope of their office. Elections should be about ideas, not money and influence. There are many things that need funds more than politicians or campaigns, and this would remove even the appearance of influence.
Would not break my heart, although I would doubt getting over the political and legal hurdles of a complete ban. Maybe move that way in steps? I sort of like encouraging small donations, but I surely see your point.