A Little of This, a Little of That

A Mix of Things Rise to Commentary This Week

What Next in the Middle East?

The death of Hamas leader Sinwar is about a big a thing as one could imagine. Will it lead to a change of fortune for Palestinians and Israelis? It should, but the truth is no one knows at this point. It seems the Biden team has been working the possibilities hard already, not only with the principle players but with other countries as well, Middle Eastern and European.

Tom Friedman of the NY Times, a guy with deep roots in the region, thinks this really could turn the page. Others are less sure. I hope he is right but count me in the doubtful group. This could well break the current mess, but that can only happen if Netanyahu makes the kind of decisions and pronouncements that give enough Palestinians hope for something better. Doing that would lose him the support of hardliners in his government and he would not win a forced election.

Maybe logic and useful strategic vision will win out, but I think it unlikely. What a wasted opportunity this would be.

Voting – Citizens Will Not be Deterred

In spite of the best efforts of Republican legislators and governors in many states to discourage and diminish voting, early results are encouraging that people will not stand for it. Records were broken for first day voting in Georgia and North Carolina, a trend likely to be repeated as states begin their early voting. My own polling place usually runs about 45 minute lines on heavy days. The first two days they ran over 2 hours and almost no one gave up. They came to vote.

Early national trends show more Democrats are voting early, but Republican numbers are up from past years, now that their party has figured out it is a mistake to resist early voting.

So far, the courts have been helpful. In Georgia, the plan to force hand counts was nixed by the courts, as were other steps designed to gum up voting and certification. In other states, citizen led ballot initiatives received court blessings and state governments have been advised they will certify on time, period. A good start overall but stay alert. There is a lot invested in screwing up this election by people, foreign and domestic, who do not wish this country well.

Government in Service in Disaster Areas

Team Trump and their fellow travelers have been spreading vicious lies about government response to the two recent hurricane tragedies. Some of their follows bought the lies, reinforced by foreign agents spreading these lies.

The fact is that the response, by local, state and national government, reinforced by charities, nonprofits, companies, and other communities has been amazing. A lot of people are still hurting – the scale of this is unimaginable – but people I talk to and read almost universally strike back at the lies and cite personal experience of exceptional support from all corners.

Nice if, when this all settles down, we can truly thank all who stepped up to help – and specifically call out those who lied for all the wrong reasons. Shame on them all.

The Trump Meltdown – Like Watching a Slow Motion Accident

It would be an understatement to say Trump is in a terrible profile these last few days. One cancelled event after another, a continuing wall of the same old lies (in one speech last week of an hour and 13 minutes, 64 lies and/or misstatements were documented. That comes out to about every sentence uttered. Increasiingly his verbal sessions wonder, are slurred, or just make no sense. People and the media are finally starting to notice just how bad this is.

Will it make any difference? I think it might. Those who already voted for him might be wondering if they did the smart thing. Anyone on the fence and not yet voted must surely be thinking the man cannot possibly serve a term. I would not be surprised to see the trends noted herein to continue, perhaps accelerate over these last days.

Harris on the Stump – What a Roll!

I remember Harris from 2020 being stiff and overly cautious in interviews, and not doing that many of them. Boy, has that pancake flipped! She has been all over media in this home stretch in choosing wisely some very different and nontraditional outlets. Traditional media is not happy that is where she chooses to reach out, but demographics cut no slack, and in candor, the traditional media gave Trump a pass card so long on so many things, they have generally not earned having more traditional interviews.

And Harris has gotten much better at all this. She is appropriately relaxed, confident, and informative for the most part. It has been an impressive growth to observe, and one that will serve the country well over time should she be elected.

Keeping Track of the Pro Violence Elements and Their Boosters

Sorry, but closing on a worrisome note. There are, I suspect, many more extremists groups in our midst than most of us comprehend. Elements like this have always been among us, but know they have sophisticated communications capabilities, reinforcing messages from domestic and foreign sources, and arsenals of deadly weapons.

If the election goes well, here is hoping law enforcement at all levels quietly but persistently go about finding, analyzing, and prosecuting those who would challenge our democracy with violence. No excuses, no quarter given. Do not let this stand. Do not let those who perpetrated all this escape calling out and accountability.

See You Next Week

Hard to imagine that in just 13 days, we will collectively decide what this country will be going forward. Vote early, share your resources, talk to others. There is no do-over, no Mulligan on this one. Get it right or pay a terrible price.

The winds smell good to me, promising on many fronts, but pretty much everything is at stake, and it is not hard to loose. Go to bed on NOV 5 knowing you have done all you could to do your country right.

Bill Clontz

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1 reply to A Little of This, a Little of That

  1. Thank you Bill. Very scared at what Musk is doing in PA. I hope he is called to task by DOJ. We are driving back from MN this week just so we can vote next week.

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