Ten Thoughts on Ten Topics

A Lot Has Happened in the Last Week or So

The Middle East Muddle

Israel killed a prominent Hamas leader last week – in Iran. They also took out a Hezbollah leader, in Beirut. I personally have no issue with Israel taking out their sworn enemies who are responsible for atrocities and attacks. But one must question the wisdom of killing the Hamas official who was leading the peace talks, making any progress on that front most unlikely for the foreseeable future. The only senior Hamas leader still standing is the worst of the lot.

The risk of a two front war for Israel is getting uncomfortably close, not to mention attacks by Iran. Not settling the Gaza problem is a cancer that continues to eat away at the people of the Middle East. Netanyahu is not serving his people well.

The Giant International Hostage and Prisoner Exchange

The exchange orchestrated by the Biden team is amazing. We have not seen anything like this in about 50 years. Hats off to everyone who persevered (this has been in the works heavily for over a year), kept it secret, and got it done. Over two dozen people exchanged, six countries involved, airplanes coming from everyone landing at almost exactly the same time in Turkey, with people walking everywhere to their new destinations. The stuff of spy movies. At least two Americans are still hostage in Russia. I have no doubt the Biden team did all they could, and will keep trying to get them out.

It was amazing for sure, and a testament to what real diplomacy in depth, and personal ties, can accomplish. Hats off especially to Germany, who made a terrible sacrifice to seal the deal, releasing a Russian assassin. But the downsides called out in such events are accurate. People who should spend the rest of their days in prison go free. Others could be encouraged to take US citizens prisoner, making them bait for trading. So it always has been. The hard truth is that you make unpleasant trades or give up on ever getting your people back.

Diplomats and journalists need to take the risk of such capture. Everyone else (tourists, those with families in hostile countries, businesspeople, religious missionaries, and others) choose to put themselves in such peril. It is not reasonable to expect the US government to make unpalatable trades to get someone out who made an unwise personal decision.

Democrats Are Closing Ranks

 The last two weeks have been impressive. We will see if it holds. The VP pick, convention tasks, and more speed bumps are ahead. But it appears that the country, and the Democratic party, are ready to move on. Nothing will be easy, but the Trump campaign seems determined to alienate everyone. The country may finally be ready to vote for civility and competence. Wouldn’t that be something?

A NATO Footnote

 One reason the big prisoner/spy swap happened was the cohesion that the Biden administration put back into our partnership in NATO. Remember how Trump always groused that NATO countries were not putting their share into defense, and he was forcing the issue? Please note that at the end of Trump’s 4 years, 9 countries were meeting the standard of 2% of GDP; at the end of Biden’s time, it is at 32 countries.

People Finally Get Plan 2025

 Nice to see widespread understanding, still increasing, of just how terrible Plan 2025 really is. The hubris in publishing this thing was a serious mistake for these folks. It is kind of funny watching Trump try to disavow now, claiming no connection. Literally dozens of people who worked for him crafted this thing.

A cautionary note: Before passing on anything quoted about Plan 2025, ensure it is from a reputable source. I really prefer those that cite the actual page numbers, which I can cross check (yep, downloaded that 900 page thing – hope it does not infect my computer). It undermines valid alarms when passing on hyperbole. The actual stuff is bad enough – stick to the facts.

Trump’s Egyptian Slush Fund

The story broke in recent days that Trump may have accepted $10 million from Egypt to help his previous campaign. Sounds entirely possible, but we may never know. Barr, in his role as the politicized Attorney General killed the investigation and now the statute of limitations has expired. Still, worth reopening this and running it to ground. Other crimes in stopping the investigation may still be punishable. In any event, we should know the truth.

The VP Horse Race

By the time you read this, we may know who Harris has chosen. I would just note that she has an impressive bench to choose from; not a one of them would be a really bad choice in my view. All have their plus and minus elements, but on their worst days every one of them look about fifty times better than JD Vance, on every criteria that counts. I would be pleased to see every one of them have a role in a Harris administration. More than a couple might make the big run themselves in the not too distant future.

Another Police Murder

We had last week yet another case of a Black person killed in their own home by a police officer – and the victim had called the police. The officer who did this had an awful record on three different police forces. He had not been screened in any serious way. How is this keeps happening?

We can come up with a more effective and comprehensive screening system to support the forces that have such difficult and dangerous duties. Currently, we have no system at all. Every police force does its own thing. We truly need a national standards established and an information system to support vetting.

I would much rather an organization like the National Association of Police Chiefs, or the National Association of Police Organizations, lead the way in creating and implementing such a system. But if they continue to fail to do so, I expect a Harris administration would step up to do the job.

Olympic Notes

I have little patience or respect for much of the international Olympics organizations or officials, but you can’t help but admire and like all those amazing young people doing such amazing things, and still not being too full of themselves. The performances have been amazing, the interviews and camera shots of parents in the stands have been great. Halfway complete now. Fingers crossed the rest goes as well and security holds. Kudos to the French. They have risen to the occasion in so many ways.

Butterflies and Hummingbirds

So far this year, I have had far fewer butterflies and hummingbirds than expected. Both species have challenges just now. I hope my experience is not typical. What are you seeing? I miss those amazing creatures.

See You Next Week

We were all over the map on topics this week, weren’t we? Wonder what next week will bring us? The Olympics will conclude, ABC and Harris are staging the “debate” whether Trump shows up or not (he won’t), we will know the rest of the Democratic ticket, and more.

91 days until the election.

Bill Clontz

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