Well, That Didn’t Take Long, Did It?

Early Previews of Trump II – Still a Mess

Told You So

We noted in this space a few weeks ago that as much damage as Trump II could do – and there will be much – the damage will be limited by the lack of self-discipline by the man himself. Trump prefers chaos and has zero interest in governing or in actually accomplishing governance.

The period since the election, especially this past week, shows how true that is. What a circus. Some days, one cannot decide whether to laugh or cry.


Trump’s first term was marked by a slew of nominees with no qualifications other than loyalty to him and a disproportionate number of billionaires. I think he thinks that if he surrounds himself with actual millionaires, more people will actually believe he is one, too.

The new roster is orders of magnitude worse than the previous administration. I get that he wants some people who disdain the establishment, and presidents generally get leeway in picking their senior team, but this list is mostly a bad joke. One cannot help but laugh at some of these, were not so many of these critical positions.

His nominees for Intelligence Chief and Secretary of Defense could not pass a simple background check to work for either agency at a midlevel post. The  would-be leader for Health and Human Services has zero professional qualifications, not to mention his oddball positions on about everything that comes under HHS.

His FBI choice makes J. Edgar Hoover look moderate by comparison. The rest of us learned what is required for the FBI leader and what happens when they fall short. Trump must have not gotten the memo.

And so on. It is literally the sorriest list of nominees ever assembled by any president, ever. It tells you all you need to know about Trump and how the administration will go.

Working With Congress

The budget fiasco last week was like watching a keystone cops’ episode. Semi-president Musk inserted himself full tilt at the last minute to derail the bipartisan bill about to pass, throwing the process into chaos, showing how ignorant Musk is about government, and making people wonder who is running the government elect, Trump or Musk. It is “impressive” that Musk found time to do all this, given his energies during the same week were focused on supporting a fascist party to rule Germany (Gee, what could go wrong with that?).

Trump tried to catch up and made the whole thing even worse. Once again, we see that the Republican House cannot get anything done without Democratic support. It was clear that all Trump cared about was making Biden look bad, not governance. In the end Trump and Musk looked foolish, incompetent, and ill-prepared. Have to give Speaker Johnson credit for pulling off once again what needed to be done, working with Democrats. He may well get fired for doing that.

What you saw on this budget dance is the template for what you will see over the next two years, until enough people realize what a mistake Trump and Company was to vote for and they lose their butts in the midterms of 2026. every few administrations – and Republicans are especially prone to this – think that running business and government are the same. They do share some traits, but they are vastly different worlds. The new Trump team has a bunch of players that have not figured this out yet. It will be entertaining to watch their growing frustration.

Disciplined Efforts

Not something we have seen anywhere from Team Trump so far. Even though this is the second try at a presidency, and they have many more focused people on board, I am increasingly expectant that the lack of coordination, discipline, and willingness to do the homework will limit how much these people will get done on their dark agenda.

Surely some bad days are ahead, but between opposition, the law, many decent judges (even the Supreme Court is unlikely to give blank checks in most areas), this will be a period of permanent unrest, dissatisfaction, and more failure than not. I am embarrassed for my country and worry about domestic damage and severe international risks. But this too shall pass, and we will clean up the mess in due time.

I hope.

Those who voted for Trump, a third party, or not at all – you are well on the way to getting exactly what you chose to have. Too bad the rest of us are along for the ride.

Happy holidays, whether you celebrate Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanza, or one of the many other holidays that come around this time of year.  Best wishes to us all for the New Year. It will not be a dull year, that’s for sure.

Bill Clontz, and Friend Bonnie

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4 replies to Well, That Didn’t Take Long, Did It?

  1. If is so damn scary.

  2. Hello Bill

    It’s strange, but I feel hopeful that all the Trump chaos will wake up the American people. We may be better off in two years after what I predict to be a large defeat of the far right wing in 2 years.

    I’m very intrigued by the possibility of a moderate third party that is being suggested by Joe Manchin. I think the “middle” is so disgusted that they may go for it.


  3. Laugh or cry . . . hmmm. Nope, I’m pretty much solidly in the latter frame of mind. I lament the state of the United States and the deleterious effect it will have on the rest of the world. I hope and pray that we will survive the next two years and then elect a House and Senate that will have the guts to stand up to the Fool in Chief.

  4. I have been thinking about the change in character of the American public, and what needs to happen. If one wants to see an audience or congregation run for cover, mention sacrifice or suffering. Richard Rohr, a modern C S Lewis, is adamant that there is no change without suffering. Example, an alcoholic will deny the problem until life starts to get so bad (suffering) that a change and sacrifice is needed. Perhaps the only way that America can wake up to its problems and change is hard times, which I’m pretty sure are coming with the government we have now. Hopefully, they will bring a change. Keep the faith!!!

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