The Musk Mess Is Epically Destructive – And Completely Predictable

The Musk & Company Cuts

People are, at different paces and levels of attention, are beginning to figure out that the chainsaw cuts in government generated by DOGE are about as ineffective – and stupid – as one could imagine. Even people who really would like to see large government cuts are slowly but surely figuring out none of this works as it is being done.

A couple of framing thoughts to keep in mind.

First, the idea of looking for opportunities to increase government efficiency and to save costs is never a bad idea. Government is huge and complex, sure to contain opportunities to improve both performance and cost. But accomplishing those goals requires real expertise and a multifunctional framework. What Musk is doing does not look remotely like such a model.

Second, a ham-fisted approach like this could, at some level, work in business. The worst that might happen is that some people might needlessly lose their jobs and investors could take a beating. Done badly enough, a company could fail, but that seldom seems to happen. The outcomes and risks in government are quite different. Screw this up and people starve or die for lack of food, vital services like air traffic control or nuclear safety are damaged, foreign affairs go out the window.

I have spent enough time in government and business to know that while some principles and processes cross over smoothly, many do not. Government and business are completely different worlds. You would think we would know that now, but it seems that every Republican administration, at least as far back as Reagan forgets the lesson and advocates “running government like a business.” It does not work – never has worked.

So, What Is The Point?

I have mentioned the failure inherent in a single issue focus. Real life is more complicated than focusing on only one outcome. But in this case, it’s even worse, because there are a number of “one issues,” being fostered by several subgroups in and around the Trump administration.

We will look at those subgroups in a moment, but as a lead in, understand the following:

  • None of this has much of anything to do with government efficiency.
  • There has been no analysis of operational impact in agencies for any cuts – none.
  • There is zero transparency in any element. Not in planning, outcomes, measures, people doing this project – nothing.
  • No accountability by anyone to anyone. It is not even settled if Musk is an employee, an advisor, or something else. We know he is running this train wreck but if he or anyone outside his group have any accountability to anyone else, it is a well-guarded secret.
  • Clearly there is, so far, no congressional oversight. The Republican Congress has washed its hands of oversight and has given away their authority carte blanche. Maybe they will wake up. If not, we are largely doomed – the courts cannot carry the burden alone.
  • Interestingly, we are seeing no small measure of what I think of as radicalization of the nonpolitical. People who have been deliberately nonpolitical their entire lives, serving the public as civil servants under multiple administrations now find themselves angry, motivated, victimized and ready to act, as whistle-blowers, citizens, and voters. I have seen interviews with several who never saw something like this coming, including a number who voted for Trump. This new level of civic activation may be the only good thing to come out of all this.
There Are Several One Issue Groups in The Republican Mess of Today

Again, it is a bit easier to follow all this and not be bewildered and overwhelmed if one realizes that while all this comes under Trump, there are at least 4 differnet groups at work, each for its own purposes. They overlap in many cases and so do not, as yet, see themselves as competitors, although that likely will develop. Let’s take a look. I count at least six such groups.

Destroy Government – This is the extreme Libertarian wing of Trump world. Plan 2025 is the baseline for these people. They seek to kill off as much government as possible, leaving the country under the control of uncontrolled capitalism and like-minded souls placed in government to kill off any real governance capabilities. Grover Norquist and his “no taxes” pledge represents the precursor in this wing.

Eliminate Oversight/ Imposed Standards – This is the group looking to ensure they can run amuck in government and as contractors. They lead the charge to write out Congress as having any oversight role, firing all Inspector Generals, and getting rid of any government lawyers who might call out improper conduct.

Facilitate Corruption – Trump himself probably leads the charge on this one. The last time around he had what was easily the most corrupt and conflict of interest administration in modern history. He is clearly determined to exceed all levels of corruption this time around. The financial conflicts alone in his personal assets is mind blowing. Trump clearly sees government as an opportunity to make money. As always, that is what matters most to him. This group also led the charge to get rid of everyone who could keep them out of the trough, starting with the Inspector Generals. No one mass fires IGs unless they want to be free to steal and corrupt.

Politicize Government – All of the above referenced sins, and more in the works, go down much easier if agencies and individuals have no independence and if career civil servants are replaced by boot lickers who will do what they are told. The supreme example of all that? A cabinet that is a joke of incompetence, unqualification, and lack of character. The failure of the US Senate to do its job on the cabinet picks will go down as a major implementing factor in all that follows. This administration is, of course, weaponizing government, even as it falsely cries out that others did so. Classic for dictatorships and oligarchs to claim, even as they do the deed.

Who Else?

Private Oligarchy – There is quite a crowd of the super-wealthy who have come to see the current situation as a major opportunity to rule the country and free themselves of anything they dislike. High tech is the core population here. Let’s be clear – there are a FEW billionaires who really are trying to do the right thing for the country and the world (Bloomberg, Soros, Cuban, Buffett come to mind), but they are vastly outnumbered by those who see this as a golden opportunity to run rampant.

The Red Meat MAGA Crowd – Left over from the last two campaigns, these are mostly people, in my view, who are often voting against their own interests with no clue that is what they are doing. They actually believe whatever Trump says, which is remarkable at this point. They provide the crowds at rallies, buy stuff they cannot afford, take the bait to stay angry at Others. I suppose Steve Bannon is their spokesman.

Follow the Breakout

So, whenever something comes out of the Trump world, look at the above list and see who is likely to push that latest thing. We have not even talked about foreign influence. There is quite a bit of covert action and propaganda, of course. But beyond that, Trump’s slavish attachment to Putin is more than odd. Something more is going on here, it would seem. I just do not know what, but Putin pretty well has His Man in Washington now.

Next week: A short reading list of a few items that will clarify what is going on, and at least one reading to give hope on the other side of this mess. See you next week.

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