You Are There

We Are in a 90 Day Benchmark in History

Remember That Show?

Those of a certain age may recall a pretty darn good radio/TV show called You are There. It ran on CBS radio starting in 1947, then transitioned to TV in 1953, continuing through 1957, for a total of 90 episodes. There were a couple of years of reruns in the early 1970s. In each show, the viewer was transported to a “newsroom” in another era, where reporters were covering some historic event which was happening around them right now.

I barely remember any of it as a small child, but my memory is that it was riveting. It was my first memory of Walter Cronkite, who hosted most of the TV shows. We all think at one time or another what it must be like to live in the midst of some important historic event. What was it like to be a Roman when the Mongols invaded? How did it feel to watch the Wright Brothers make that first flight? What was it like to talk to Cleopatra just after she met Marc Anthony and sealed a pact with Rome?

Turns out, you are about to get your wish. You Are There.

The Proverbial Fork in the Road

Change, even large scale change, in not unusual in American history. But there are few periods that match the decisions this country will make in the coming days. We will, perhaps, to put it simply, follow the path Trump and his minions/handlers have laid out, likely to end democracy as we know it for the lifetime of many of us alive today – perhaps forever.

Or we may reject all that movement stands for. If so, we will not kill it, but certainly can cripple it, expose it, reduce its risk for the future. In so doing, we would actually elect a female president, and one of mixed minority heritage at that. Imagine that! In one fell swoop we would turn away from a dark path and empower a leader unimaginable just a few years ago.

It Is Easy to Get Tired or Afraid

With all that is going on, one could understandably say “Enough!” and turn our backs on all the turmoil.

Don’t do that.

Steel yourself and pay attention to all that is going on around you. For better or worse, we are in a moment, a very short but intense time, that will set the course for our country at a level of impact that is almost unimaginable. You and I are in the midst of Big History. Pay attention. Don’t flinch.

I have written in this space before that History has a way of calling on people in ways and at times they did not foresee. How they handle it is always fascinating to study. Turns out we are in one of those moments. We will not have much impact individually, but we do have our parts to play, our responsibilities to complete. It all counts.

The Next Chapter

In a matter of weeks, much of this will be over – it will be history. In a few months, someone will stand on the Capitol steps, take an oath, and take our country down the path we chose.

I am moderately optimistic and naturally hopeful much of this will turn out right. Something very fundamental seems to be coming about, on several levels. But who knows? At the very least, I want to pay attention and retain what I can of what happened, who did what, which decisions were made. And ask myself, what did I do in all of this.

No one can know at this time how all this will go. By the time you read this, the Republican Convention is already getting lost in memory, the Democratic convention has just begun, and in about 10 weeks, we will endeavor to settle this. Dramatic, tense, dangerous, inspiring times are on the path we are walking. Ten weeks – that is  the blink of an eye. In politics, it is also forever. Still, the momentum looks hopeful. But danger lurks with people willing to commit violence, and much more. We will know how it goes soon enough.

Big History Has Arrived

It has arrived in our time, on our doorstep. Pay attention. Take notes, help turn the wheel. What stories shall we have to tell others in a few years. Take a deep breath, fingers crossed, walk towards the challenge, however you can. It does not get much more important than this one.

May we choose the right key to unlock our future.

Bill Clontz

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2 replies to You Are There

  1. Great message. I watched every minute of last night’s Democratic convention. It was amazing. My only concern is the people who needed to see and hear it didn’t. What a night! Can’t wait for the rest!
    Thank you.

    • I had the same feelings. Sorry it ran so late that Joe did not start speaking until after 11;30, but otherwise a fine night across the board. Good start for the convention and the campaign.

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