April 30, 2024

A Lot of Different Topics This Week, All with Key Legal Elements (Except the Last One)

Tik Tok’s Pending Death?

Well, the legislation passed, and the president signed it, so the countdown begins. This one has some really interesting aspects about it. Let’s see how it unrolls.

First, as noted before in this space, I am not much on the government banning communication in about any form, but I think the case can be made for this one. The amount of personal information Tik Tok tracks on users is substantial and it certainly would not be hard to use it as an entry point to more of your computer data. Given the Chinese affiliation, best to cut the cord.

Second, I am a little disappointed but not surprised at the anger expressed by users of this software. I get how much they use and like it – some make a living from that connection. But I don’t hear any of them addressing the aforementioned security issues. They just like using it, so enough said for them. We should do better than that.

Third, who picks up the pieces if the ban stands and they do not sell the company? No doubt other social media companies are licking their lips at the customers they could pick up, either with existing systems or something newly launched. In the end, people will find ways to connect that feel like Tik Tok. Would be nice if something besides Facebook or Google picked up the bonus.

Supremes on Presidential Immunity

This has long been a Supreme Court to worry about deeply, but I don’t think most of us saw just how bad it could be concerning presidential immunity from crime. Maybe the results will not be as bad as we fear, but it was a surreal hearing on so many levels.

It does not seem possible anyone on the Court would ask some of the questions or posit some of the positions we heard in the orals. And just for the record, Alioto further secured his reputation as the least thoughtful, least qualified, most angry little man on the court. This guy makes Thomas look almost good. I wonder what those two talk about when they are on one of those all expenses paid vacations their financial backers/mentors give them. What a conversation those two would have. How I look forward to their retirement/termination of office.

If things really work out in November and Biden gets two houses of Congress on his side, serious Supreme Court restructuring, term limits, changing the court size, and imposition of conflict standards should be high on the priority list.

The End of Noncompete Clauses

In one fell swoop, the Biden administration struck down by regulatory directive one of those things that seemed reasonable at one time but has become a terrible thing. Noncompete clauses, especially at the more senior levels can make sense. But the business community has expanded and abused them for years. They are noncompetitive in the field of talented employees and those employees make less money and have less opportunity because of this thing.

Naturally, the national Chamber of Commerce objected, filing a lawsuit the day of the announcement. How it goes likely depends on what judges handle it, but hopefully this tool gets cut down to size and scope that makes sense.

Campus Protests

The protests, and now counter-protests, over the Israel-Gaza War are starting to look like protests of the 1960’s. The Right is having a ball spreading rumors about all this and the Left seems paralyzed, trying to balance the history of Jewish people and what they have suffered against the inexcusable conduct of the current Israeli government in so many areas.

Netanyahu has managed to turn much of the world and probably a majority of young people against Israel, allowing the machinations of groups like Hamas to be overlooked when calling up outrage. A change of government in Jerusalem cannot come soon enough. America backing Israel’s security has been in place since the state was formed, as it should be. Netanyahu may force an American government to say this can no longer be such a broad promise. The risks of that are huge but may be upon us yet.

Project 2025

Some of you may have heard of Project 2025. It is the Right Wing floor plan to remake pretty well everything in American government and society. It makes The Handmaidens Tale seem like light reading. The danger with guys like Trump is there are people in the wings who actually have the capabilities to turn his rants into reality.  Take the threat to everything we think of as America seriously. The Heritage Foundation, Kock Brothers, and others have detailed blueprints on how they would do this if Trump is elected.

If you have not read much about this topic, do so now. https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration

White House Correspondents’ Dinner

Pretty good one this year. I had the rare privilege of attending this once (I was invited as a “source” by a journalist friend). It is a really unique thing, and it is always interesting to see if the host/comedian and the President both make the cut for doing well. I think they did this year. Lots of good lines, not very mean spirited, a bit of poking fun at everyone, and reminders of how important a free press is to all, even with all its failings.

Biden wins the award for the best line of the night: “I am a grown man, running against a 6 year old!” Perfect. And so true.

Next Week

Unless circumstances force otherwise, next week we will be looking at some really neat and encouraging, science, medicine, business, and personnel models. See you then.

Bill Clontz

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1 reply to April 30, 2024

  1. Thank you Bill for lots to think about and ponder.

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